Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Two Weeks Post-Op

I had my surgery two weeks ago today- I can't believe it's only been 14 days! It seems like I've been stuck at home for at least a month now, maybe longer. was frickin' fabulous! I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start with getting out of bed around 10:30am after a FULL NIGHT of sleep! Sure, I woke up a couple of times to go to the bathroom since I'm drinking sooooo much liquid all day, but then I was able to go right back to sleep. This morning I actually woke up ready to get up and get felt so different...and so good! For the first time in weeks I showered and put on makeup and fixed my hair. I left the house feeling quite normal and average looking- a first for weeks as well.

I had my first orthodontist appointment since the surgery today- it was pretty uneventful. The orthodontist was impressed with my progress and was excited to see how 'great' I looked after having surgery only two weeks ago. He said that we have a little more orthodontic work to do on my molars, but that I should get my braces off in APPROX. 6-7 months. My back molars are slightly tilted due to having an incorrect bite for so long, so now that my bite is right on they need to be tilted back. I hope that makes sense!?! Anyway, no adjustments were made today since I'm not healed well enough- I go back on Jan 15th.

After the orthodontist appointment I went to the mall at Pinnacle Hills in order to finish up my Christmas shopping. I managed to finish up everything, but MAN the mall was nuts! Shouldn't people be working or something? I was shocked at how full all of the stores were. Chris is SO LUCKY that I do all of the Christmas shopping for us. Seriously...all he has to do is get me a little something and he's good to go....I'm jealous. He asked me last night what I want for Christmas, so I'm guessing he still hasn't figured anything out for me yet. I'll let ya know what I end up with!

After shopping I made a quick stop by a friend's house...and then I headed to my second surgery follow-up appointment. The surgeon looked me over, had me make some faces (like trying to smile, trying to pucker, etc), measured how much I could open my mouth, etc. Here's a test for you- take your right hand and make a gun with know, where your thumb is up, your index and middle finger are pointing and your other fingers are curled back. Got it? Now, point the gun into your mouth. Do those two fingers fit between your teeth? How about three fingers? Four? If you said yes to four then you have a huge mouth. LOL. Three is the average. Right now I can ALMOST get two fingers in, but not quite. The doctor is having me exercise my mouth and stretch my muscles so that I can get three fingers in within the next 3 weeks or so. Overall, I was told that I was healing perfectly and that things couldn't look better. That was awesome to hear!

The other thing that the surgeon said...and the thing that really made my that I can now eat anything that I don't have to chew. Do you understand what that means? That means I can do baked potatoes...dressing..overcooked mac and cheese...rice...and who knows what else! I'm so excited. In fact, I'm making mac and cheese right now just to see how I can do. I can't wait! I'm sooo sick of jello and shakes! Wow...did I just say I was sick of milkshakes? Crazy- never thought I'd say that!

I went to get a pedicure after my surgery appointment and the ladies there REALLY made my day. When I first got there the lady that always does my toes was looking at me really funny and then was like "JENNIFER! I didn't know you!" I just laughed and asked her what she was talking about and she went on and on about how different i looked. I guess I haven't been there in a few months and all, but really....I think I look about the same. Anyway, three of the employees there told me I looked prettier. Serious....their words, not mine. It pretty much made my day. How shallow does that make me?

Ok..gotta try this mac and cheese and will give you a review tomorrow! Below are my 14 day pics....the profile is finally deflating a little.


Cherron said...

Honestly, I don't think you look the same as before. There is a change to your face and it is very pretty, not that you weren't pretty before. It's odd to explain because the change isn't exactly subtle, but it also isn't obvious.

Yay for having a good day.

Melissa said...

Yay for you Jen! I smiled while reading this post... I am so glad that you are healing so well and that you had such a fabulous day!!! I tried the gun thing... I am 3 fingers... it is very difficult to try and get 4 in there... anywho... good luck on your continued recovery and I hope you enjoyed your mac and cheese!