Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 9 Post-Op

I felt about the same on day 9 as day 8- nothing new to report. Chris keeps offering to chew up regular food and spit it into my mouth like a baby bird. Every time he offers it makes me laugh...and my face contorts to try to resemble a smile. Speaking of smiles...if you notice, I'm not smiling in any of my pictures. Truth be told, I can't smile. When I try to smile, half of my face moves a little and the other half doesn't move at all and it's actually kind of scary looking. I'll think about taking a picture of it for you for a future post...


Cherron said...

Ok, that is such a gross image. Sweet, but gross.

The last picture makes me almost see what you are going to look like after all the swelling is gone. Hottie Hottinger.

Melissa said...

Your face does seem to be taking shape! So, how long is this recovery? When do you get to go back to work?

Oh, and THANKS for the Christmas card... we got it awhile ago (I think it was actually the first one we got!!!)... so I apologize for the tardy 'thank you'.