Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 1 Post-Op

Day One was pretty miserable. I was exhausted from a lack of sleep, my face was always freezing from the ice packs and the numbness from the surgeries, and I was frustrated with having no control over my lips/mouth. I had a lot of phlegm in my mouth, but I couldn't spit it out because I had no control of my lips. I couldn't swallow it really either, since my throat hurt so bad. So....I'd make terrible sounds trying to form a loogie on my tongue and then I'd try to stick my tongue out as far as possible and try slobber into a rag or something. It was so disgusting! Not to mention, every time I would lean forward to spit something out my nose would start to bleed! Pretty terrible day if you ask me.

Chris called the doc for me on this day, because the pain meds were just not dulling the pain for me AT ALL. Ends up, the pharmacy wrote out the instructions incorrectly and I was suppose to have been getting twice as much as I had been getting. Once the dose was updated, the pain was much better. I would feel 'ok' for about 3 hours...and then that one hour before I could have another dose was pretty miserable. I tried all day to get some sleep, but that didn't work out for me.
Below are pictures of Day 1 post -op:

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